HAT Bursaries
HAT members have the opportunity to apply for our annual bursary towards the cost of their tuition fees. It's worth £500, rising to £1000 for successful candidates whose applications show high levels of quality and commitment. It's not an easy process, but worth the effort. HAT is committed to supporting students who are genuinely in need to train as homeopaths.
Our rigorous and challenging process is designed to stretch your mind in order to ensure that the future generation of homeopaths are not only well-trained, but creative thinking, patient focused and committed to a career as a homeopath. A maximum of 20 bursaries are awarded each year. APPLICATIONS WILL BE OPEN FROM 1ST FEBRUARY UNTIL 30TH APRIL 2025.
HAT bursaries are available to UK based students who will be going into their second year of study, or above, who attend a course at a college or school which has the gold standard IHA accreditation. Our bursary is only available for undergraduate homeopathy training.
Our bursary awards team look for applicants to clearly demonstrate that:
You have a real passion for homeopathy
You intend to practise homeopathy on completion of your studies, and are taking appropriate steps to put a foundation in place for doing so
You are committed to your studies and show an aptitude for homeopathy
You have a good course attendance record
You are genuinely in need, and will benefit from being granted a bursary
Before applying for a bursary, you will also need to discuss your request with your college principal, as they will be required to provide a reference in support of your application.
You must also be a paid up member of HAT, and interested in playing an active role in our community moving forward.
HAT trustees want to be inspired by applications. Our bursary awards will be granted to applicants who, in the opinion of the bursary awards team and trustees, offer the most convincing and inspiring responses to the questions.
You can download the bursary application form and principal's endorsement form in the Members' Area page.